In this post we will explore a concept of a Lens. More concretely the Lens library.
- What problem they are trying to solve?
- How we can use them?
- How they are being implemented?
What problem they are trying to solve?
It is my observation that any newcomer to the Haskell ecosystem, who gets excited with the language, stumbles upon two limitations of the language design. Mainly:
- Record syntax
- Strings
Those two are suprising to newcomers, especially because both record syntax and strings are considered a no-brainer in almost every other programming language. Writing about string representation in Haskell deserves a blog post on its own. Today we want to focus on record syntax, trying to understand what are its limitations and main source of frustration. And frustrating indeed it is. Below are a few quotes scrapped from the Internet to back that claim.
“The record system is a continual source of pain” - Stephen Diehl
“What is your least favorite thing about Haskell? Records are still tedious” - 2018 State of Haskell Survey
“Shitty records.” - Someone on reddit
An example
Someone famous once said “Talk is cheap, show me the code”. In that sprit let’s explore an example project in which those problems are clearly visible.
We will use the latest version of GHC Haskell:
and a standard cabal project:
cabal-version: 2.1
name: bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens
license-file: LICENSE
author: Paweł Szulc
maintainer: Paweł Szulc
copyright: Paweł Szulc
category: BlogPost
build-type: Simple
source-repository head
type: git
base >=4.7 && <5
default-language: Haskell2010
Imagine we are writing a tool allowing conference organizers to maintain their events. We have a datatype Conference
where Organizer
and Speaker
Organizer has a Name
and Address
. Name
is a simple record with firstName
and lastName
and Address
encapsulates street
, city
and country
Now we just need an example of a conference organizer, a value that we could play with in the REPL. While creating this blog post, I could not miss the opportunity to pay my tribute to Oli Makhasoeva - one of the best conference organizers on the planet, the master mind behind such events as Haskell Love or Scala Love.
Let’s create a value of type Organizer
called oli
Fetching values from records
We can observe that both name
and contact
are in fact accessor functions that allow us to retrieve values from records:
ghci> :l src/EncodePanda/Lens.hs
ghci> :t name
name :: Organizer -> Name
ghci> name oli
Name {firstName = "Oli", lastName = "Makhasoeva"}
ghci> :t contact
contact :: Organizer -> Contact
ghci> contact oli
Contact {address = Address {street = "Class", city = "ified", country = "Classified"}, email = ""}
This can even look nicer if we use &
operator from Data.Function
Here we see that &
is a simple function application, where instead of providing function name and the argument (as we would normally do):
we provide first the argument and then the function name:
This allow us to change previous call to name
It does not seem much at first, but you can observe that this approach composes nicely when you want to read the value of a deeply nested record:
This resembles dot-like record access that is available in other languages. Correctly formatted makes accessing deeply nested values a pleasure experience
organizerCountry :: Conference -> String
organizerCountry conf =
conf & organizer
& contact
& address
& country
But when we do a slight modification to our code, where not only Organizer
has a name
module EncodePanda.Lens2 where
import Data.Function ((&))
-- start snippet conference-datatype
data Conference = Conference
- { organizer :: Organizer
+ { name :: String
+ , organizer :: Organizer
, speakers :: [Speaker]
} deriving Show
-- end snippet conference-datatype
-- start snippet speaker-datatype
data Speaker = Speaker
- { slidesReady :: Bool
+ { name :: Name
+ , slidesReady :: Bool
} deriving Show
-- end snippet speaker-datatype
the code suddenly stops compiling:
$> cabal build
src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:22:5: error:
Multiple declarations of ‘name’
Declared at: src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:15:5
22 | { name :: Name
| ^^^^
src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:22:5: error:
Multiple declarations of ‘name’
Declared at: src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:7:5
22 | { name :: Name
| ^^^^
There is one trick we could do make it work…Have you guessed it? Yes, it is GHC. We can always add a language extension:
And things compile again!
$> cabal build
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.10.2 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens- (lib) (configuration changed)
Configuring library for bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens-
Preprocessing library for bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens-
Building library for bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens-
[1 of 2] Compiling EncodePanda.Lens ( src/EncodePanda/Lens.hs, /Users/rabbit/projects/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.10.2/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens-, /Users/rabbit/projects/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.10.2/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens- ) [flags changed]
[2 of 2] Compiling EncodePanda.Lens2 ( src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs, /Users/rabbit/projects/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.10.2/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens-, /Users/rabbit/projects/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.10.2/bp-getting-acquainted-with-lens- )
But when we try to use the name
The compiler gives us a quick reality check:
src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:76:28: error:
Ambiguous occurrence ‘name’
It could refer to
either the field ‘name’, defined at src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:23:5
or the field ‘name’, defined at src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:16:5
or the field ‘name’, defined at src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:8:5
76 | conference & organizer & name
It seems that we can define multiple records with the same field name, but we are not allowed to use it.
Is that it? Are we done?
Before we give up, there is fortunately one more trick we can use. It’s called OverloadedLabels
but it requires a bunch of other extendsions to be enabled. We enabled them for the whole project by modifing the cabal file (along with the DuplicatedRecordFields
that’ve used before):
+ EncodePanda.OverloadedLabels
base >=4.7 && <5
default-language: Haskell2010
+ default-extensions:
+ DataKinds
+ , DuplicateRecordFields
+ , FlexibleInstances
+ , MultiParamTypeClasses
+ , OverloadedLabels
+ , TypeApplications
What OverloadedLabels
gives us is a typeclass IsLabel
from GHC.OverloadedLabels
It is a typeclass that we define for a particular type a
and a Symbol
(think of it as type level String
). As an example we can create an instance of it for a Speaker
and "encodepanda"
instance IsLabel "encodepanda" Speaker where
fromLabel = Speaker
{ name = Name "Pawel" "Szulc"
, slidesReady = False
And now we can use it as we would normally use any other typeclass:
But OverloadedLabels
comes with a nice syntatic sugar where we can reference just the symbol directly by prefixing the Symbol
with a hash #
and let the type inference magic do the rest work for us.
-- start snippet pawel
pawel :: Speaker
-pawel = fromLabel @"encodepanda"
+pawel = #encodepanda
-- end snippet pawel
Underneath, it desugars to a function call to fromLabel
Leveraging OverloadedLabels for record access
We can now take OverloadedLabels
for a spin, to see if they can help us with our issue. As a reminder, the problem at hand is a fact that (even though we have DuplicateRecordFields
turned on) we can not reuse duplicated accessor function:
$> cabal build
src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:22:5: error:
Multiple declarations of ‘name’
Declared at: src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:15:5
22 | { name :: Name
| ^^^^
src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:22:5: error:
Multiple declarations of ‘name’
Declared at: src/EncodePanda/Lens2.hs:7:5
22 | { name :: Name
| ^^^^
The idea is to provide different instances for "name"
and different accessor functions called name
import Data.Function ((&))
+import GHC.OverloadedLabels (IsLabel (..))
-- start snippet conference-datatype
data Conference = Conference
} deriving Show
-- end snippet conference-datatype
+instance IsLabel "name" (Conference -> String) where
+ fromLabel = name
-- start snippet organizer-datatype
data Organizer = Organizer
{ name :: Name
} deriving Show
-- end snippet organizer-datatype
+instance IsLabel "name" (Organizer -> Name) where
+ fromLabel = name
-- start snippet speaker-datatype
data Speaker = Speaker
{ name :: Name
} deriving Show
-- end snippet speaker-datatype
+instance IsLabel "name" (Speaker -> Name) where
+ fromLabel = name
-- start snippet name-datatype
data Name = Name
{ firstName :: String
It is suprising that even though we are reusing name
functions to implement those typeclasses, the compiler is suddenly happy. In other words: we’ve build up this boilerplate in order to workaround the fact that different accessor functions that have the same names could not be used. At the same time, that workaround is making use of those functions. Why this is happening is probably a good idea for a different project. For now lets ignore this suprising effect, and celebarate the fact that we can finally can write a function like this
So yes, if looking at how accessing records is encoded in Haskell makes you want to do the following
I honestly don’t blame you. But remember, this is only half of the story, we still need figure out the way how to set values into records.
Setting values
Imagine we have a value of type Conference
conference :: Conference
conference = Conference
{ name = "Haskell.Love"
, organizer = oli
, speakers = []
We also have two speakers who would love to be part of this conference:
pawel :: Speaker
pawel = Speaker
{ name = Name "Pawel" "Szulc"
, slidesReady = False
marcin :: Speaker
marcin = Speaker
{ name = Name "Marcin" "Rzeznicki"
, slidesReady = True
At first, setting a new value does not seem to be scary.
conference { speakers = [ pawel, marcin ] }
It seems pretty reasonable - it reuses syntax for the creation of a value. Small, nice, compact. However, the moment you try to do something a bit more complicated, things get really messy really quickly.
For example, something as simple as making all speakers for a given conference marked as not ready:
allSpeakersNotReady :: Conference -> Conference
allSpeakersNotReady conference =
oldSpeakers = conference & speakers
conference {
speakers =
fmap (\s -> s { slidesReady = False}) oldSpeakers
Or modifing an organizer’s email address using a function:
changeOrganizerEmail :: (String -> String) -> Conference -> Conference
changeOrganizerEmail modifyEmail conference =
oldOrganizer = conference & organizer
newContact = (oldOrganizer & contact)
{ email = modifyEmail (oldOrganizer & contact & email)
newOrganizer = oldOrganizer { contact = newContact}
conference { organizer = newOrganizer }
In both example we have to very explicitly say each little tiny detail of how the new value should look like. If that is not imperative programming, I don’t know what is.
Now what?
Is that it? Is there now hope for us? Where do we go from here? You will have to wait for Part 2 to get your questions answered. But fear not, you might get it yet before Christmas :) Stay tooned!